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Scientists use cerebral organoids, which are artificially produced miniature organs that represent embryonic or fetal brains and have many properties…
TechnologyMicrocephalyBrainNeuronsBrain--Diseases--Animal modelsIn 2012, a team of scientists across the US conducted an experiment to find the mechanism that allowed a group of flatworms, planarians, to…
Regeneration (Biology)GeneticsPlanariansGenesWound HealingWilhelm Pfeffer published his book Osmotische Untersuchungen: Studien Zur Zellmechanik (Osmotic Investigations: Studies on Cell Mechanics) in 1877…
LiteratureOsmosisPlants--Osmotic potentialPlantsPlant cell membranesWilliam Withey Gull studied paraplegia, anorexia, and hormones as a physician in England during the nineteenth century. In addition to caring for…
AnorexiaAnorexia NervosaIllness anxiety disorderThyroid HormonesThyroid GlandBerthold Karl Hölldobler studied social insects like ants in Europe and the US during the twentieth and early twenty-first century. He focused on the…
AntsCarpenter antsZoologyEvolutionPulitzer PrizesA Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery is a three volume collection of patient accounts that William Smellie published from 1752 to 1764…
LiteratureMidwivesObstetrical ForcepsChildbirthObstetricsThe Human Papillomavirus (HPV) strains 16 and 18 are the two most common HPV strains that lead to cases of genital cancer. HPV is the most commonly…
PapillomavirusesHuman Papilloma VirusHuman papillomavirus 16Human papillomavirus 18Uterine Cervical NeoplasmsThe Malthusian League, founded in London, England, in 1877 promoted the use of contraception to limit family size. Activists Charles Bradlaugh and…
OrganizationEugenicsContraceptionBirth ControlReproductive Rights