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Philippe Ricord was a nineteenth-century physician and surgeon in France who studied syphilis and demonstrated that it is different from gonorrhea.…
SyphilisGonorrheaSexually Transmitted DiseasesChancreReproductive HealthA vasectomy is a surgery that works to inhibit reproduction by interrupting the passage of sperm through the vas deferens, a tube in the male…
VasectomyVasovasostomyVasectomy ReversalEugenicsSterilization, ReproductiveThe goal of this research project was to examine how different messaging techniques, and especially expressions of emotionality surrounding the loss…
Extinction (Biology)Genetic EngineeringCommunication in scienceReproductive HealthconservationDeveloping a codebook of definitions and exemplars of significant text segments and applying it to the collected data revealed several themes. For…
MenstruationMenstrual Hygiene ProductsReproductive HealthHealth educationMenstruation DisturbancesDysmenorrhea refers to painful menstrual bleeding and often includes symptoms such as cramps in the lower abdominal region, pain radiating down to…
BelladonnaDysmenorrheaWomen's health servicesReproductive HealthMenstruation, PainfulEndometriosis is a medical condition that involves abnormal growths of tissue resembling the endometrium, which is the tissue that lines the inside…
EndometriosisSampson, John A. (John Albertson), 1873-DysmenorrheaMenstruation disordersReproductive HealthIn Stuart v. Camnitz, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit affirmed the decision of a North Carolina District Court that…
LawAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortion--Law and legislationFetus--Ultrasonic imagingFreedom of SpeechOn 5 April 2018, the documentary Period. End of Sentence. premiered at the Cleveland International Film Festival in Cleveland, Ohio. In the…
LiteratureMenstruationMenstruation--Social aspectsFeminine Hygiene ProductsSanitary napkinsIn July 2015, Marni Sommer and colleagues published “Comfortably, Safely, and Without Shame: Defining Menstrual Hygiene Management as a Public Health…
LiteratureMenstruationMenstruation--Social aspectsFeminine Hygiene ProductsSanitary napkinsIn the early 2000s, Richard S. Legro, Mark V. Sauer, Gilbert L. Mottla, Kevin S. Richter, William C. Dodson, and Duanping Liao studied the…
In vitro fertilizationFertilization in VitroIndoor air pollutionPollutionUrban pollution