Editing Details
One of the strengths of the Embryo Project Encyclopedia, unlike some internet resources, is that its contents pass rigorous peer, professional, and editorial review. The review process for encyclopedia articles differs from that of Embryo Project Essays.
As contributors write their encyclopedia articles, each article receives several rounds of comments from the author's writing peers, Embryo Project editors, science historians, and scientists. For each article submitted for publication, the Embryo Project editors meet to review the article and to decide whether or not to conditionally accept it. Any conditionally accepted article then receives an editor who verifies each statement of fact in the article. Articles that fail such verification aren't published. Finally, a managing editor reviews all articles prior to publication to ensure that they are mutually consistent in style, tone, accuracy, and disinterestedness. An article is only published once it has passed peer, scholarly, and editorial review.
Scholars who contribute Embryo Project Essays submit their article to professional peer review, as is done for scholarly journals. The Embryo Project Encyclopedia publishes only those essays that pass such review.