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Charles Benedict Davenport, Madison Grant, and Henry Fairfield Osborn founded the Galton Society for the Study of the Origin and Evolution of Man, or…
OrganizationEugenicsDavenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944Laughlin, Harry Hamilton, 1880-1943segregationIn February 1953, Linus Pauling and Robert Brainard Corey, two scientists working at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California,…
LiteratureDNAGeneticsX-ray crystallography--TechniqueCrystallography, X-RayMatthew Meselson, Franklin Stahl, and Jerome Vinograd, developed cesium chloride, or CsCl, density gradient centrifugation in the 1950s at the…
TechnologyDNA ReplicationDNA replication--RegulationCentrifugation, Density GradientOrganonitrogen compoundsFrom 1963 to 1982, researchers in New York City, New York, carried out a randomized trial of mammography screening. Mammography is the use of X-ray…
ExperimentsHIPMammographyBreastcarcinomaSince the 1950s, scientists have developed interspecies blastocysts in laboratory settings, but not until the 1990s did proposals emerge to engineer…
BlastocystDiseasesbioethicsTadpoleCell nuclei--TransplantationWilliam Smellie helped to incorporate scientific medicine into the process of childbirth in eighteenth century Britain. As a male physician…
MidwivesObstetrical ForcepsChildbirthObstetricsLabor (Obstetrics)In an experiment later named for them, Matthew Stanley Meselson and Franklin William Stahl in the US demonstrated during the 1950s the semi-…
DNA ReplicationMeselson, MatthewStahl, Franklin W.DNA--SynthesisDNAThe hedgehog signaling pathway is a mechanism that directs the development of embryonic cells in animals, from invertebrates to vertebrates. The…
EmbryologyEmbryosWieschaus, Eric F.Cellular signal transductionDrosophila melanogasterFrancis Sellers Collins helped lead the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium, which helped describe the DNA sequence of the human genome…
Human Genome ProjectNucleotide sequenceSequence Analysis, DNAGenomeIn 1969, Roy J. Britten and Eric H. Davidson published Gene Regulation for Higher Cells: A Theory, in Science. A Theory proposes a minimal model…
LiteratureGenetic regulationCell differentiationEvolutionGenes