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Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is a mechanism in embryonic development that occurs naturally in organisms. Apoptosis is a different process…
ApoptosisGenetic regulationCaenorhabditis elegansCellsGerm CellsDuring 1964, David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel studied the short and long term effects of depriving kittens of vision in one eye. In their experiments,…
Harvard Medical SchoolNobel Prize winnersKittensCatsVision disordersThe Spemann-Mangold organizer, also known as the Spemann organizer, is a cluster of cells in the developing embryo of an amphibian that induces…
EmbryosAmphibiansSpemann, Hans, 1869-1941EmbryologyGastrulationTelomerase is an enzyme that regulates the lengths of telomeres in the cells of many organisms, and in humans it begins to function int the early…
TelomeraseTelomereDNAMolecular BiologySomatic embryogenesisThe hedgehog signaling pathway is a mechanism that directs the development of embryonic cells in animals, from invertebrates to vertebrates. The…
EmbryologyEmbryosWieschaus, Eric F.Cellular signal transductionDrosophila melanogasterRadioimmunoassay (RIA) is a technique in which researchers use radioactive isotopes as traceable tags to quantify specific biochemical substances…
TechnologyImmunoassayRadioimmunoassayBiochemistryBinding sites (Biochemistry)Torsten Nils Wiesel studied visual information processing and development in the US during the twentieth century. He performed multiple experiments…
VisionVisual pathwaysNobel Prize winnersNeural networks (Neurobiology)Neural ReceptorsAmong other functions, the Notch signaling pathway forestalls the process of myogenesis in animals. The Notch signaling pathway is a pathway in…
MyogenesisNotch genesNotch ProteinsMusclesMyoblastsThe Notch signaling pathway is a mechanism in animals by which adjacent cells communicate with each other, conveying spatial information and genetic…
EmbryologyDevelopmental BiologyEmbryosCell differentiationNotch genesDavid Hunter Hubel studied the development of the visual system and how the brain processes visual information in the US during the twentieth century…
Hubel, David H.Kuffler, Stephen W.Wiesel, Torsten N.Johns Hopkins Medical SchoolHarvard Medical School