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Transvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte retrieval, also known as egg retrieval, is a surgical technique used by medical professionals to extract mature…
TechnologyTransvaginal ultrasonographyFertilization in VitroLaparoscopic surgeryMinimally Invasive SurgeryThe American Eugenics Society (AES) was established in the US by Madison Grant, Harry H. Laughlin, Henry Crampton, Irving Fisher, and Henry F.…
OrganizationsEugenicsHeredity, HumanHeredityInvoluntary SterilizationPope Paul VI, born Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini, has been crucial to the clarification of Roman Catholic views on embryos and…
PeoplereligionReproductionCatholicismPopesPierre Constant Budin worked in France to improve the lives of newborns and their mothers during the late nineteenth century. Budin stressed the…
Budin, P. (Pierre), 1846-1907BreastfeedingPremature InfantsBreast milkFetusX-linked severe combined immunodeficiency, or X-SCID, is a chromosomal disorder in which the immune system lacks multiple protective cells that…
X-Linked Combined Immunodeficiency DiseasesX-Linked SCIDSevere Combined ImmunodeficiencyBone Marrow--TransplantationAutoimmune DiseasesThe NuvaRing is a self-administered hormonal contraceptive device in the form of a flexible plastic ring that is inserted into the vagina. It…
TechnologyContraceptivesContraceptives, VaginalContraceptives industryContraceptive drugsAlexis Carrel was a doctor and researcher who studied tissue cultures. He continued Ross Granville Harrison's research and produced many…
Tissue Culture TechniquesBiographyTissue culturePope Pius XII was born Eugenio Maria Giuseppi Giovanni Pacelli on 2 March 1876 in Rome, Italy, to Virginia and Filippo Pacelli. Known for his oft-…
PeoplereligionReproductionCatholicismPopesResearchers Geoffrey Sher and Jeffrey Fisch gave Viagra, also known as sildenafil, to women undergoing fertility treatment to test whether the…
Fertility clinicsFertility, HumanHuman embryo--TransplantationEmbryo TransferSildenafil CitrateHoward Wilber Jones Jr. and his wife, Georgeanna Seegar Jones, developed a method of in vitro fertilization and helped create the first baby in the…