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In Davis v. Davis (1992), the Supreme Court of Tennessee decided a dispute over cryopreserved preembryos in favor of Junior Lewis Davis, who sought…
LawFrozen human embryosFertilization in VitroAmerican Fertility SocietyConceptionThe hedgehog signaling pathway is a mechanism that directs the development of embryonic cells in animals, from invertebrates to vertebrates. The…
EmbryologyEmbryosWieschaus, Eric F.Cellular signal transductionDrosophila melanogasterIn the second half of the twentieth century, scientists learned how to clone organisms in some species of mammals. Scientists have applied somatic…
CloningCell nuclei--TransplantationSpemann, Hans, 1869-1941Genetic EngineeringIn 2012, a team of scientists across the US conducted an experiment to find the mechanism that allowed a group of flatworms, planarians, to…
Regeneration (Biology)GeneticsPlanariansGenesWound HealingAlejandro Sánchez Alvarado's laboratory group has employed molecular tools to investigate old questions about regeneration and as a result have…
RegenerationExperimentsThe Y-chromosome is one of a pair of chromosomes that determine the genetic sex of individuals in mammals, some insects, and some plants. In the…
Y ChromosomeSex ChromosomesEmbryosDNAChromosomesDuring the mid-nineteenth century, Johann Gregor Mendel experimented with pea plants to develop a theory of inheritance. In 1843, while a monk in the…
GeneticsPeasLegumesPhenotypePlant breedingThe Notch signaling pathway is a mechanism in animals by which adjacent cells communicate with each other, conveying spatial information and genetic…
EmbryologyDevelopmental BiologyEmbryosCell differentiationNotch genesEdwin Stephen Goodrich studied the structures of animals in England during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Goodrich studied how animals…
ZoologyHomology (Biology)InvertebratesEvolutionInduced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) are cells derived from non-pluripotent cells, such as adult somatic cells, that are genetically manipulated so…
LiteratureStem CellsRegeneration