Search Displaying 1651 - 1660 of 1695 Fulltext search Sort by RelevanceDate Created: Newest to OldestDate Created: Oldest to Newest Mary Huettner By: Alfred F. (Alfred Francis) Huettner Woods Hole (Mass.)People William P. Procter In office at Woods Hole By: Alfred F. (Alfred Francis) Huettner Woods Hole (Mass.)People Three men and a canoe By: Alfred F. (Alfred Francis) Huettner Thomas Hunt Morgan, E.B. Wilson and others having a picnic By: Alfred F. (Alfred Francis) Huettner Wilson, Edmund B. (Edmund Beecher), 1856-1939People Camping in Woods Hole By: Alfred F. (Alfred Francis) Huettner Woods Hole (Mass.)People Nancy Wilson at the microscope By: Alfred F. (Alfred Francis) Huettner People Main Street Falmouth c 1930 By: Alfred F. (Alfred Francis) Huettner Mary Huettner collecting in the marsh By: Alfred F. (Alfred Francis) Huettner People Capt Veeder on "Cayadetta" By: Alfred F. (Alfred Francis) Huettner Woods Hole (Mass.)PeopleOrganizations EE Just pitching horseshoes By: Alfred F. 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