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David Wildt is an animal reproductive biologist who directs the Conservation Biology Institute in Fort Royal, Virginia. In 1986, Wildt argued that…
ethicsFertilization in VitroEmbryo transplantationReproductive technologyEndangered SpeciesIntracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is an assisted reproductive technique (ART) initially developed by Dr. Gianpiero D. Palermo in 1993 to treat…
TechnologySperm Injections, IntracytoplasmicReproductionFertilizationEstrogen is the primary sex hormone in women and it functions during the reproductive menstrual cycle. Women have three major types of estrogen:…
Menstrual CycleOral contraceptivesEstrogenEstradiolEstroneFirst manufactured in 1988 by Serono laboratories, recombinant gonadotropins are synthetic hormones that can stimulate egg production in women for…
TechnologyRecombination, GeneticGenetic recombination--ResearchLuteinizing HormoneGonadotropinPolycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is one of the most common reproductive conditions in women, and its symptoms include cystic ovaries, menstrual…
Polycystic ovary syndromeHirsutismOligomenorrheaMenstruation DisturbancesAmenorrheaSperm capacitation refers to the physiological changes spermatozoa must undergo in order to have the ability to penetrate and fertilize an egg. This…
Sperm CapacitationSpermOvaFertilizationThe Southern Gastric-Brooding Frog (Rheobatrachus silus) was an aquatic frog that lived in south-east Australia. In 2002, the International Union…
Sexual behavior in animalsReproductive BehaviorExtinction (Biology)Extinct animalsCloningThe Gräfenberg spot, or the G-spot, is thought to be an area in the anterior, or front, vaginal wall that contributes to sexual pleasure. Ernst…
Sexual HealthSexual Dysfunction, PhysiologicalVaginaClitorisVulvaPossums is a 174-page book consisting of a series of essays written about the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), the only living marsupial in…
LiteratureVirginia opossumEmbryologyMarsupialsNatural historyIn 1984, human genetics and reproduction researcher and physician Joseph D. Schulman founded the Genetics and IVF Institute, an international…
OrganizationFertilization in VitroInfertility, FemaleFertilization in vitro, HumanFertilization in vitro, Human--Law and legislation