William Withey Gull studied paraplegia, anorexia, and hormones as a physician in England during the nineteenth century. In addition to caring for patients, he described the role of the posterior column of the spinal cord in paraplegia, and he was among the first to describe the conditions of anorexia and of hypochondria. He also researched the effects of thyroid hormone deficiencies in women who had malfunctioning thyroid glands. Gull's research on thyroid hormone confirmed that chemicals in the body directly affect health, and he contributed to the foundation of endocrinology, the scientific field for the study of hormones.

Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch was a researcher from Germany who studied the causative agents of infectious diseases in various parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Koch developed what researchers call Koch’s postulates, which are four criteria designed to establish whether a bacterium causes a certain disease, and as of 2025, many researchers still use Koch’s postulates to guide their research. He also received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is the bacterium responsible for tuberculosis, an infectious disease that primarily attacks the lungs. Koch’s research on identifying disease-causing bacteria for various infectious diseases has advanced disease prevention and treatment, especially for tuberculosis, which has the ability to transmit from mother to child.