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In the United States, most people are assigned both a biological sex and gender at birth based on their chromosomes and reproductive organs.…
GenderGender-nonconforming peopleGender transitionGender expressionGender NonconformityHarry Clay Sharp was a surgeon who performed one of the first recorded vasectomies with the purpose of sterilizing a patient. Sterilization is the…
VasectomyEugenicsSterilizationFamily PlanningMale SterilizationHarold Delf Gillies performed one of the first sexual reassignment surgeries, termed gender affirmation surgeries as of 2022, on record in 1946 in…
PhalloplastyGender Reassignment SurgeryGender transitionSurgery, PlasticPedicle flaps (Surgery)In 1972, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania decided the case of Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens…
LawPeople with mental disabilitiesIntellectual DisabilitySpecial EducationSpecial education schoolsPhalloplasty is a type of surgery that takes existing skin, tissue, and nerves from surrounding areas on a patient’s body to repair or form a…
TechnologyPhalloplastyGender Reassignment SurgeryGender transitionSurgery, PlasticIn 2017, Angiolo Gadducci, Silvestro Carinelli, and Giovanni Aletti published, "Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Uterine Cervix: A Therapeutic…
LiteratureCervical CancerCancerUterine Cervical NeoplasmsNeoplasmsIn September 2003, Robert L. Goldenberg and Cortney Thompson published the article “The Infectious Origins of Stillbirth” in the American Journal of…
LiteratureFetal deathInfectionQ FeverMalaria in pregnancyGeorge Otto Gey was a scientist in the US who studied cells and cultivated the first continuous human cell line in 1951. Gey derived the cells for…
HeLa CellsCell MovementKB CellsCell CommunicationCulture Media, ConditionedIn 1902, editors of the medical journal Alkaloidal Clinic Wallace C. Abbott and William Francis Waugh published Sexual Hygiene, a book about normal…
LiteratureSexual HealthSex EducationHygienePublications