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For more than 2000 years, embryologists, biologists, and philosophers have studied and detailed the processes that follow fertilization. The…
TechnologyCell LineageIn 2007, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority in London, UK, published Hybrids and Chimeras: A Report on the Findings of the Consultation…
LiteratureChimerismHuman reproductive technologyHuman CloningEmbryonic Stem CellsIn 1952 Robert Briggs and Thomas J. King published their article, "Transplantation of Living Nuclei from Blastula Cells into Enucleated Frogs' Eggs…
Cell nuclei--TransplantationNuclear Transfer TechniquesExperimentsNuclear TransplantationTransplantationEdmund Beecher Wilson contributed to cell biology, the study of cells, in the US during the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth…
EmbryologyCellsCytologyHeredityEvolutionThe Cell-Theory was written by Thomas Henry Huxley in Britain and published in 1853 by The British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review. The twenty-…
LiteratureEpigeneticsEmbryologyHuxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895Cellular control mechanismsIn 2018, He Jiankui uploaded a series of videos to a YouTube channel titled “The He Lab” that detailed one of the first instances of a successful…
Literaturegene editingGenome EditingCRISPR (Genetics)CRISPR-associated protein 9Germ-free, or GF, animals are laboratory animals that completely lack microbes, making them useful tools for microbiome research. Researchers create…
Germ-Free LifeMicrobiome, HumanGut MicrobiomeBrain-Gut AxisGermfree animalsPaul Kammerer conducted experiments on amphibians and marine animals at the Vivarium, a research institute in Vienna, Austria, in the early twentieth…
Kammerer, Paul, 1880-1926Kammerer, Paul, 1880-1926. Streitfrage der Vererbung erworbener Eigenschaften. EnglishInheritance of acquired charactersAdaptationMidwife toadsThe biomedical accomplishment of human in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) took years to become the successful technique that…
ReproductionExperimentsFertilizationPrenatal exposure to alcohol (ethanol) in human and animal models results in a range of alcohol-induced developmental defects. In humans, those…
fetal alcohol syndromeReproductionHuman Development