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Edgar Allen identified and outlined the role of female sex hormones and discovered estrogen in the early 1900s in the US. In 1923, Allen, through his…
EstrogenHormones, SexOogenesisEstrusMenstrual CycleIn 1996, Michael R. Harrison published “Fetal Surgery” in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In the article, Harrison describes the…
LiteratureFetus--SurgeryObstetrics--SurgeryFetus--Abnormalities--TreatmentFetal heart--Abnormalities--DiagnosisJohn Craig Venter helped map the genomes of humans, fruitflies, and other organisms in the US in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and he helped…
Nucleotide sequenceVenter, J. CraigCelera GenomicsExpressed Sequence TagsHaemophilus influenzaeRegnier de Graaf, a Dutch physician and anatomist, was born 30 July 1641 in Schoonhoven, the Netherlands. Though he published papers on both…
PeopleReproductionBiographyPercivall Pott was a physician in England during the eighteenth century who identified soot as the cause of chimney sweeps' scrotal cancer, later…
Pott, Percivall, 1714-1788CancerChimney sweepsPott Puffy TumorCarcinoma, Squamous CellIn Arizona, statutes that protect persons, such as the wrongful death statute, will not be interpreted by the courts to grant personhood status to…
LawFertilization in VitroReproductionFertilizationbioethicsIn an experiment later named for them, Matthew Stanley Meselson and Franklin William Stahl in the US demonstrated during the 1950s the semi-…
DNA ReplicationMeselson, MatthewStahl, Franklin W.DNA--SynthesisDNAMax Ludwig Henning Delbrick applied his knowledge of theoretical physics to biological systems such as bacterial viruses called bacteriophages, or…
Meselson, MatthewUniversity of RochesterDNA ReplicationBacteriophagesEscherichia coliPope John Paul II's views on abortion and embryology have been very influential to the Roman Catholic Church. He strictly forbade abortion and other…