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Prenatal alcohol (ethanol) exposure can have dramatic effects on the development of the central nervous system (CNS), including morphological…
fetal alcohol syndromeReproductionCongenital DisordersFetusKarl Oskar Illmensee studied the cloning and reproduction of fruit flies, mice, and humans in the US and Europe during the twentieth and twenty-first…
CloningMolecular CloningClone CellsTwinsEmbryosA variety of developmental defects occur as a result of prenatal exposure to alcohol (ethanol) in utero. In humans, those defects are collectively…
fetal alcohol syndromeReproductionHuman DevelopmentIn 2004, Amanda J. Drake and Brian R. Walker published “The Intergenerational Effects of Fetal Programming: Non-genomic Mechanisms for the…
LiteratureReproductive HealthGestationFetal MonitoringFetal DistressProgestin is a synthetic form of progesterone, a naturally occurring hormone, which plays an important role in the female reproductive cycle. During…
TechnologyProgesteroneReproductionContraceptionIn September 2003, Robert L. Goldenberg and Cortney Thompson published the article “The Infectious Origins of Stillbirth” in the American Journal of…
LiteratureFetal deathInfectionQ FeverMalaria in pregnancyGestational diabetes is a medical condition that causes blood sugar levels to become abnormally high, which manifests for the first-time during…
Diabetes in pregnancyGestational DiabetesPregnancy--ComplicationsHigh-Risk PregnancyDiabetes in womenWritten, produced, and directed by Toby Mcdonald, the 2005 National Geographic Channel film In the Womb uses the most recent technology to provide an…
LiteratureHuman DevelopmentReproductionMoviesFetusThe sex of a reptile embryo partly results from the production of sex hormones during development, and one process to produce those hormones depends…
Sex DifferentiationReproductionAdaptationfetal developmentEmbryologyEmbryonic images displayed in Life magazine during the mid-twentieth century serve as a representation of technological advances and the growing…
PublicationsReproductionChicksHuman DevelopmentFetus