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In 2007, Françoise Baylis and Jason Scott Robert published “Part-Human Chimeras: Worrying the Facts, Probing the Ethics” in The American Journal of…
LiteratureChimerismNeuronsChimeraGeneticsIn April 1994, Elizabeth Raymond, Sven Cnattingius, and John Kiely published “Effects of Maternal Age, Parity, and Smoking on the Risk of Stillbirth…
LiteratureFetal deathStillbirthPregnancyGestational AgeIn December 2011, the Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network, or SCRN, published the article “Causes of Death Among Stillbirths” in The Journal of…
LiteratureFetal deathPregnancy--ComplicationsHealth and raceStillbirthIn 2006, bioethicist Jason Scott Robert published “The Science and Ethics of Making Part-Human Animals in Stem Cell Biology” in The FASEB Journal.…
LiteratureGeneticsbioethicsStem Cell ResearchStem CellsOn 5 April 2018, the documentary Period. End of Sentence. premiered at the Cleveland International Film Festival in Cleveland, Ohio. In the…
LiteratureMenstruationMenstruation--Social aspectsFeminine Hygiene ProductsSanitary napkinsIn July 2015, Marni Sommer and colleagues published “Comfortably, Safely, and Without Shame: Defining Menstrual Hygiene Management as a Public Health…
LiteratureMenstruationMenstruation--Social aspectsFeminine Hygiene ProductsSanitary napkinsArticles
LiteratureAbortionAbortion, InducedInduced AbortionInformed ConsentIn 1861, William John Little published, “On The Influence of Abnormal Parturition, Difficult Labors, Premature Birth, and Asphyxia Neonatorum, on the…
LiteratureBirth injuries--ComplicationsCerebral PalsyCerebral palsiedMuscle SpasticityPublished in 2002, prostate cancer researcher John R. Masters authored a review article HeLa Cells 50 Years On: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly that…
LiteratureCell linesContinuous cell linesGerm CellsSurface contaminationIn 2017, Laura Geer and colleagues published the results of a study investigating the effects of parabens and antimicrobial compounds on birth…
LiteratureAntiseptics in obstetricsEndocrine disrupting chemicalsLocal Anti-Infective AgentsEmbryonic and Fetal Development