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In the 2013 legal case Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., hereafter AMP v. Myriad, the United States Supreme Court held in…
PatentNucleotide sequenceBreast CancerBRCA1 geneBRCA2 geneStafford Leak Warren studied nuclear medicine in the United States during the twentieth century. He used radiation to make images of the body for…
Warren, Stafford L. (Stafford Leak), 1896-1981RadiologyMedical radiologyRadiology--ResearchCancer--Interventional radiologyIn 1913, journalist Samuel Hopkins Adams published “What Can We Do About Cancer? The Most Vital and Insistent Question in the Medical World,”…
LiteratureCervix uteri--CancerBreast--Cancer--Patients--CareBreast--Cancer--Patients--Counseling ofBreast--Cancer--SurgeryMary-Claire King studied genetics in the US in the twenty-first century. King identified two genes associated with the occurrence of breast cancer,…
GeneticsBreast--Cancer--SusceptibilityBreast--Cancer--Prognosis--Statistical methods--CongressesBreast--Cancer--ResearchDNA fingerprintingNancy Goodman Brinker founded the largest breast cancer organization in the US, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, during the twentieth century. In 1982,…
Breast CancerBreast--Cancer--TreatmentBreast--Cancer--Treatment--Social aspectsNational Cancer Institute (U.S.)