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Endometriosis is a medical condition that involves abnormal growths of tissue resembling the endometrium, which is the tissue that lines the inside…
EndometriosisSampson, John A. (John Albertson), 1873-DysmenorrheaMenstruation disordersReproductive HealthIn the early twentieth century US, Jean Paul Pratt and Edgar Allen conducted clinical experiments on women who had abnormal menstrual cycles. During…
EstrogenEndocrinologyDoisy, Edward Adelbert, 1893-1986MenstruationUterusDysmenorrhea refers to painful menstrual bleeding and often includes symptoms such as cramps in the lower abdominal region, pain radiating down to…
BelladonnaDysmenorrheaWomen's health servicesReproductive HealthMenstruation, PainfulEstrogen is the primary sex hormone in women and it functions during the reproductive menstrual cycle. Women have three major types of estrogen:…
Menstrual CycleOral contraceptivesEstrogenEstradiolEstronePolycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is one of the most common reproductive conditions in women, and its symptoms include cystic ovaries, menstrual…
Polycystic ovary syndromeHirsutismOligomenorrheaMenstruation DisturbancesAmenorrheaEdgar Allen identified and outlined the role of female sex hormones and discovered estrogen in the early 1900s in the US. In 1923, Allen, through his…
EstrogenHormones, SexOogenesisEstrusMenstrual CycleAmenorrhea is considered a type of abnormal menstrual bleeding characterized by the unexpected absence of menstrual bleeding, lasting three months or…
Amenorrhea, PrimaryMenstruation disordersMenstrual CyclePolycystic ovary syndromeBirth ControlMenstrual hygiene management, or MHM, is a concept that concerns girls' and women’s access to the appropriate information and resources to manage…
MenstruationMenstruation--Social aspectsFeminine Hygiene ProductsUNICEFUnited Nations and non-member nationsMenstrual tampons are feminine hygiene devices, usually made of absorbent cotton, that are temporarily inserted into the vagina for absorbing a woman…
TechnologyTamponsTampons--ComplicationsMenstruationMenstrual CycleMenstrupedia published the comic book Menstrupedia Comic: The Friendly Guide to Periods for Girls, hereafter Menstrupedia Comic, in July 2014 in…
LiteratureMenstrual CycleMenstrual cycle in artMenstrual cycle--Psychological aspectsComic books and children