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In 2006, United States pharmaceutical company Merck released the Gardasil vaccination series, which protected recipients against four strains of…
TechnologyHPV VaccinePapillomavirus InfectionsCervical CancerGenital WartsIan Hector Frazer studied the human immune system and vaccines in Brisbane, Australia, and helped invent and patent the scientific process and…
PeopleHIV infectionsHIV-positive personsHIV (Viruses)Vaccines industryIn 2011, United Kingdom pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline released Cervarix, a vaccination series protecting girls and women from two strains of…
TechnologyCervical CancerCancer VaccineCancer of the CervixVaccinesFrom 1958 to 1961, Leonard Hayflick and Paul Moorhead in the US developed a way in the laboratory to cultivate strains of human cells with complete…
MMR VaccineRubellaRubella--VaccinationFetal tissuesOncogenic VirusesStanley Alan Plotkin developed vaccines in the United States during the mid to late twentieth century. Plotkin began his research career at the…
VaccinesViral vaccinesRubellaRubella--VaccinationRubella virusL'Institut Pasteur (The Pasteur Institute) is a non-profit private research institution founded by Louis Pasteur on 4 June 1887 in Paris, France. The…
OrganizationBacteriaGenetic regulationOperonsMolecular genetics