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Light therapy, also called phototherapy, exposes infants with jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes, to artificial or natural light to break…
TechnologyPhototherapyJaundiceKernicterusBilirubinEndoscopic fetoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed during pregnancy that allows physicians to view the fetus in-utero.…
TechnologyEndoscopyFetoscopyPrenatal DiagnosisTay-Sachs DiseaseAn intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC) is a device placed inside a pregnant woman’s uterus to monitor uterine contractions during labor. During…
TechnologyObstetricsChildbirthLabor (Obstetrics)Delivery (Obstetrics)Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique to create a three-dimensional image of a fetus. Doctors often use MRIs to image a fetuses…
TechnologyMagnetic resonance imagingNuclear Magnetic ResonanceFetusDiagnostic ultrasonic imagingThe arterial switch operation, also called the Jatene procedure, is an operation in which surgeons redirect the flow of blood through abnormal hearts…
TechnologyJatene, AdibTransposition of Great VesselsCongenital Heart DiseaseAorta--AbnormalitiesThe arterial switch operation, also called the Jatene procedure, is an operation in which surgeons redirect the flow of blood through abnormal hearts…
TechnologyJatene, AdibTransposition of Great VesselsCongenital Heart DiseaseAorta--AbnormalitiesMary Ware Dennett, an activist in the US for birth control and sex education in the early twentieth century, wrote an educational pamphlet in 1915…
TechnologyGenerative organsSexually Transmitted DiseasesLaborMenstruationIn 1873 Italy, Camillo Golgi created the black reaction technique, which enabled scientists to stain and view the structure of neurons, the…
TechnologyNeuronsAxonsDendritesSilver NitrateFirst marketed in the US 1875, Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound was an herbal medicine used by women to relieve menstrual discomfort and menopausal…
TechnologyReproductive HealthPatent MedicinesHerbs--Therapeutic useFertilityScientists use cerebral organoids, which are artificially produced miniature organs that represent embryonic or fetal brains and have many properties…
TechnologyMicrocephalyBrainNeuronsBrain--Diseases--Animal models