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Transvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte retrieval, also known as egg retrieval, is a surgical technique used by medical professionals to extract mature…
TechnologyTransvaginal ultrasonographyFertilization in VitroLaparoscopic surgeryMinimally Invasive SurgeryIn the twentieth century, researchers developed the oral glucose tolerance test, or OGTT, as a method to diagnose different types of diabetes, a…
TechnologyDiagnosisDiabetes--DiagnosisGlucose tolerance testsBlood GlucoseFirst manufactured in 1988 by Serono laboratories, recombinant gonadotropins are synthetic hormones that can stimulate egg production in women for…
TechnologyRecombination, GeneticGenetic recombination--ResearchLuteinizing HormoneGonadotropinOrchiopexy, also known as orchidopexy, is a surgical technique that can correct cryptorchidism and was successfully performed for one of the first…