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In the 1930 US federal court case United States v. Dennett, Mary Coffin Ware Dennett was cleared of all charges of violating the anti-obscenity…
LawObscenity (Law)Obscenity (Law)--United StatesReproductive health--Law and legislationCommunication in reproductive healthThe Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 established the legal framework that governs infertility treatment, medical services ancillary to…
LawEmbryo transplantationReproductive technologyWarnock, Mary, 1808-1900Human reproductive technologyIn the 2002 case Simat Corp v. Arizona Health Care Containment System, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the Arizona Health Care Containment…
LawMedicaidAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesArizona--HistoryBirth control clinicsThe US Supreme Court case Ferguson v. City of Charleston (2001) established that public hospitals couldn't legally drug test pregnant women without…
LawReproductive RightsPregnancyEmbryosDrug testingHoratio Robinson Storer was a surgeon and anti-abortion activist in the 1800s who worked in the field of women’s reproductive health and led the…
PeopleAbortionAbortion servicesPro-life movementPro-life movement--United StatesIn 1927, the US Supreme Court case Buck v. Bell set the legal precedent that states may sterilize inmates of public institutions because the court…
LawEugenicsConstitutional courtsSterilization (Birth control)Involuntary SterilizationGonzales v. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. (Gonzales v. Planned Parenthood) was the 2007 US Supreme Court case in which the Court…
LawFamily PlanningOral contraceptivesAbortionAbortion servicesAttempts by the New York legislature to make abortion a crime regardless of the stage of gestation were permanently frustrated because the court…
LawAbortionReproductionIn 1917 the Oregon State Legislature, in Salem, Oregon, passed a bill titled, 'To Prevent Procreation of Certain Classes in Oregon.' Passage of the…
OrganizationEugenicsOregonInvoluntary SterilizationSterilization (Birth control)The South Korean government passed the Bioethics and Biosafety Act, known henceforth as the Bioethics Act, in 2003 and it took effect in 2005. South…
LawbioethicsInformed consent (Medical law)Embryonic Stem CellsEmbryonic stem cells--Research--Law and legislation