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Menopause is defined as the point in time exactly twelve months after a female has had her last menstrual period, or shedding of the lining of the…
MenopausePremenopausepostmenopauseEstrogen Replacement TherapyHormone Replacement Therapy, Post-MenopausalThe establishment and growth of developmental-evolutionary biology owes a great debt to the work of John Tyler Bonner. Bonner's studies of cellular…
PeopleDictyosteliidaBiographyMorphogenesisMulticellularityThe DTaP vaccination series is an FDA-approved, five-shot vaccine for young children in the United States for protection against diphtheria, tetanus…
Diphtheria ToxoidDiphtheria ToxinCorynebacterium diphtheriaeDiphtheria-Tetanus VaccineDiphtheria-Tetanus-acellular Pertussis VaccinesSprayed extensively by the US military in Vietnam, Agent Orange contained a dioxin contaminant later found to be toxic to humans. Despite reports by…
Agent OrangeHerbicidesSpina BifidaNeural tube--AbnormalitiesSpinal cord--AbnormalitiesA test-tube baby is the product of a successful human reproduction that results from methods beyond sexual intercourse between a man and a woman and…
Artificial InseminationInsemination, ArtificialethicsReproductionFertilizationThe Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilisation and Embryology, commonly called the Warnock Report after the chair of the committee…
LiteratureFertilityFertilization in vitro, HumanReproductive technologyEmbryo transplantationPearl Luella Kendrick researched prevention for pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, during the mid-1900s.…
Tuberculosis VaccinesPertussis vaccinesAmerican Public Health AssociationPublicationsViral vaccinesFriedrich Tiedemann studied the anatomy of humans and animals in the nineteenth century in Germany. He published on zoological subjects, on the heart…
BrainAnatomy, ComparativeEmbryologyFetal braindevelopmentThe Guthrie test, also called the PKU test, is a diagnostic tool to test infants for phenylketonuria a few days after birth. To administer the…
TechnologyGuthrie, Robert, 1916-1995PhenylketonuriaMental RetardationAmino acids--Metabolism--DisordersMatthias Jacob Schleiden helped develop the cell theory in Germany during the nineteenth century. Schleiden studied cells as the common element among…
Cell BiologyBotanyEpigenesisEmbryologyBiology, Experimental