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The Carnegie Institution of Washington's (CIW) Embryology Department was opened in 1914 and remains one of six departments in the CIW. The…
OrganizationOrganizationsEducationCarnegie Institution of WashingtonPrenatal exposure to alcohol (ethanol) results in a continuum of physical, neurological, behavioral, and learning defects collectively grouped under…
fetal alcohol syndromeReproductionHuman DevelopmentIn 1996, the US Congress mandated that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) create and regulate the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program.…
Endocrine disrupting chemicalsEndocrine toxicologyDevelopmental endocrinologyEndocrine SystemHormonesThe Boys from Brazil is a science fiction film based on the novel of the same name by Ira Levin about an underground neo-Nazi society in South…
LiteratureEugenicsGenetic EngineeringReproductive technologyBiotechnologyIn “The Social and Psychological Impact of Endometriosis on Women’s Lives: A Critical Narrative Review,” hereafter “Social and Psychological Impact…
LiteratureEndometriosisGynecologic pathologyUrogynecologyGynecologic SurgeryThis thesis shows us the history of how some of the first attempts at IVF in humans using various options such as donated egg cells and cryopreserved…
Fertilization in VitroIn vitro fertilizationScience in literatureMedical Laboratory SciencePublicationsThe male body, followed by male reproductive organs from which the sperm originates, is depicted from top to bottom at the left.
SpermatozoaSpermSperm CapacitationIn the early 1920s, researchers Edgar Allen and Edward Adelbert Doisy conducted an experiment that demonstrated that ovarian follicles, which produce…
OvariesCorpus LuteumEndometriumEstrogenHormones, SexThe Southern Gastric Brooding Frog (Rheobotrahcus silus) was a frog species that lived in Australia. It was declared extinct in 2002.
EggsFrogsAustraliaTadpolesAmphibians--LarvaeY-chromosomes exist in the body cells of many kinds of male animals.
Y ChromosomeX chromosomeSex ChromosomesChromosomesSex Chromatin