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Mitochondrial diseases in humans result when the small organelles called mitochondria, which exist in all human cells, fail to function normally. The…
Mitochondrial pathologyMitochondriaCell organellesCell nuclei--TransplantationReproductive technologyThe objective of this project was to determine the importance of informed consent laws to achieving the larger goal of dismantling the right to…
Abortion--Law and legislationInformed consent (Medical law)Patient RightsPatients' RightsethicsOvum Humanum was written and compiled by Dr. Landrum Brewer Shettles while he worked as a doctor in New York. The publication contains an atlas of…
LiteraturePublicationsReproductionHuman DevelopmentOvaChristiane Nusslein-Volhard studied how genes control embryonic development in flies and in fish in Europe during the twentieth and twenty-first…
DrosophilaEmbryologyGenesMorphogenesisRNA polymerasesJacques Loeb published The Mechanistic Conception of Life in 1912. Loeb's goal for the book was to further disseminate his explanations of organic…
LiteraturePublicationsIn 1963, Roman Catholic fertility doctor John Rock published The Time Has Come: A Catholic Doctor's Proposals to End the Battle over Birth Control, a…
LiteratureContraceptionPublicationsreligionReproductionIn 2001, the Supreme Court of New Jersey decided a dispute between a divorced couple over cryopreserved preembryos created through in vitro…
LawFrozen human embryosFertilization in VitroPregnancyEmbryosAs of 2022, Trisomy 21 is the most common type of trisomy, or a condition where the person has three instead of the normal two copies of one of the…
Genetic DisordersGenetic disorders in childrenGenetic disorders in pregnancyGenetic disorders--DiagnosisDown syndromeIn 2011, Inga Kristen, Julius Sewangi, Andrea Kunz, Festo Dugange, Judith Ziske, Brigitte Jordan-Harder, Gundel Harms, and Stefanie Theuring…
LiteratureHIV-positive womenHIV (Viruses)Human Immunodeficiency VirusesHIV infectionsJeffrey Keenan is the Director of the Southeastern Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine and the main developer behind the National Embryo…
PeopleReproductive Techniques, AssistedReproductionBiographyFertility