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This is a project about medicine and the history of a condition called premenstrual syndrome (PMS), its “discovery” and conceptual development at…
Premenstrual syndromeScience in literatureMedicine in literatureReproductionIn “Beyond Menstrual Hygiene: Addressing Vaginal Bleeding Throughout the Life Course in LMICs,” hereafter “Beyond Menstrual Hygiene,” Marni Sommer,…
LiteratureMenstruation disordersFeminine Hygiene ProductsMenstrual cycle--Psychological aspectsStigmatizationIn the late nineteenth century, the Comstock Act of 1873 made the distribution of contraception illegal and classified contraception as an obscenity…
ContraceptionReproductive RightsBirth control in literatureFertility ControlSocial ChangeIn 2010, Sophia and Paul Grinvalds founded the organization AFRIpads in Kampala, Uganda, to provide reusable cloth pads to menstruating women and…
OrganizationMenstrual CycleFeminine Hygiene ProductsMenstrual Hygiene ProductsSanitary napkinsIn the fifteen years between the discovery of fetal alcohol syndrome, or FAS, in 1973 and the passage of alcohol beverage warning labels in 1988, FAS…
fetal alcohol syndromeAlcoholism in pregnancyChildren of prenatal alcohol abusepublic healthFederal GovernmentResearchers Geoffrey Sher and Jeffrey Fisch gave Viagra, also known as sildenafil, to women undergoing fertility treatment to test whether the…
Fertility clinicsFertility, HumanHuman embryo--TransplantationEmbryo TransferSildenafil CitrateTransvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte retrieval, also known as egg retrieval, is a surgical technique used by medical professionals to extract mature…
TechnologyTransvaginal ultrasonographyFertilization in VitroLaparoscopic surgeryMinimally Invasive SurgeryIn the twentieth century, researchers developed the oral glucose tolerance test, or OGTT, as a method to diagnose different types of diabetes, a…
TechnologyDiagnosisDiabetes--DiagnosisGlucose tolerance testsBlood GlucoseWith all of the tension surrounding the moral significance of the abortion issue, the question arises: How did specific figureheads, events, and…
AbortionStigmatizationReproductionIn “The Social and Psychological Impact of Endometriosis on Women’s Lives: A Critical Narrative Review,” hereafter “Social and Psychological Impact…
LiteratureEndometriosisGynecologic pathologyUrogynecologyGynecologic Surgery