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In 1978, James Kitching discovered two dinosaur embryos in a road-cut talus at Roodraai (Red Bend) in Golden Gate Highlands National Park, South…
ContextDinosaursDinosaurs--EggsMassospondylus carinatusMassospondylusDinosaur egg parataxonomy is a classification system that organizes dinosaur eggs by descriptive features such as shape, size, and shell thickness.…
DinosaursDinosaurs--EggsPaleobiologyFossilsEmbryosTelomerase is an enzyme that regulates the lengths of telomeres in the cells of many organisms, and in humans it begins to function int the early…
TelomeraseTelomereDNAMolecular BiologySomatic embryogenesisDuring the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Robert Paul Lanza studied embryonic stem cells, tissues, and endangered species as chief scientific…
Advanced Cell Technology (Firm)BantengCloningEmbryosEmbryonic Stem CellsThe Southern Gastric-Brooding Frog (Rheobatrachus silus) was an aquatic frog that lived in south-east Australia. In 2002, the International Union…
Sexual behavior in animalsReproductive BehaviorExtinction (Biology)Extinct animalsCloningAt the turn of the twentieth century, Edmund B. Wilson performed experiments to show where germinal matter was located in molluscs. At Columbia…
Wilson, Edmund B. (Edmund Beecher), 1856-1939EmbryosEmbryologyDevelopmental BiologyLarvaeIn the case Whitner v. South Carolina in 1997, the South Carolina State Supreme Court defined the concept of a child to include viable fetuses. This…
LawEmbryosReproductive RightsPregnancyAbortionWhen cells-but not DNA-from two or more genetically distinct individuals combine to form a new individual, the result is called a chimera. Though…
ContextChimerismEmbryosEmbryonic Stem CellsMosaicismThis diagram shows how NCCs migrate differently in rats, birds and amphibians.
Neural CrestEmbryosVertebratesGerm LayersEctodermThe Edinburgh Mouse Atlas, also called the e-Mouse Atlas Project (EMAP), is an online resource comprised of the e-Mouse Atlas (EMA), a detailed…
TechnologyEmbryosDatabases, GeneticdevelopmentGene Expression