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In 1973, Ronald Ericsson developed the Ericsson method, which is a technique used to separate human male sperm cells by their genetic material.…
TechnologySex ChromosomesGonosomesSpermSpermatozoaIn the 1960s in the United States Landrum B. Shettles developed the Shettles method, which is a procedure for couples to use prior to and during an…
TechnologySex PreselectionSex PredeterminationFamily PlanningSex ChromosomesIn humans, sex determination is the process that determines the biological sex of an offspring and, as a result, the sexual characteristics that they…
Sex DeterminationGenetic sex determinationIntersex peopleDiscrimination against intersex peopleStevens, N. M. (Nettie Maria), 1861-1912Studies in Spermatogenesis is a two volume book written by Nettie Maria Stevens, and published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington in 1905 and…
LiteratureSpermatogenesisGenetic sex determinationSex DifferentiationEmbryosThe Y-chromosome is one of a pair of chromosomes that determine the genetic sex of individuals in mammals, some insects, and some plants. In the…
Y ChromosomeSex ChromosomesEmbryosDNAChromosomesY-chromosomes exist in the body cells of many kinds of male animals.
Y ChromosomeX chromosomeSex ChromosomesChromosomesSex ChromatinThe Sex-determining Region Y (Sry in mammals but SRY in humans) is a gene found on Y chromosomes that leads to the development of male phenotypes,…
Y ChromosomeTestisEmbryosChromosomesSex ChromosomesHenry Hubert Turner was a physician and researcher who studied hormones and human development in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, during the twentieth…
Turner SyndromeNoonan SyndromeKlippel-Feil SyndromeEndocrine System DiseasesEndocrine GlandsIn the book Your Baby’s Sex: Now You Can Choose, David Michael Rorvik and Landrum Brewer Shettles describe methods that couples can use prior to and…
LiteratureSex PreselectionSex PredeterminationFamily PlanningGenderIn 1959, Charles Edmund Ford and colleagues published “A Sex Chromosome Anomaly in a Case of Gonadal Dysgenesis (Turner’s Syndrome),” hereafter “A…
Turner SyndromeGonadal DysgenesisGonadal Dysgenesis, XOGonadal Dysgenesis, 45, XAbnormalities, Sex Chromosome