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George Wells Beadle and Edward Lawrie Tatum's 1941 article Genetic Control of Biochemical Reactions in Neurospora detailed their experiments on how…
GenesGeneticsExperimentsNeurosporaMolecular BiologyFrancis Harry Compton Crick, who co-discovered the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in 1953 in Cambridge, England, also developed The Central…
DNAChromosomesNucleotide sequenceNucleic AcidsMolecular BiologyMuriel Wheldale Onslow studied flowers in England with genetic and biochemical techniques in the early twentieth century. Working with geneticist…
PeopleHeredityBiochemistryEpistasis (Genetics)GeneticsIn 2002 Eric Davidson and his research team published 'A Genomic Regulatory Network for Development' in Science. The authors present the first…
LiteratureGene regulatory networksSystems BiologyGenetic regulationGenesGolden Rice was engineered from normal rice by Ingo Potrykus and Peter Beyer in the 1990s to help improve human health. Golden Rice has an engineered…
TechnologyRiceBiotechnologyGenesMolecular BiologyIn 1969, Roy J. Britten and Eric H. Davidson published Gene Regulation for Higher Cells: A Theory, in Science. A Theory proposes a minimal model…
LiteratureGenetic regulationCell differentiationEvolutionGenesPaul M. Brakefield and his research team in Leiden, the Netherlands, examined the development, plasticity, and evolution of butterfly eyespot…
ButterfliesDevelopmental BiologyPhenotypic plasticityGenotype-environment interactionEvolutionary developmental biologyJulia Bell worked in twentieth-century Britain, discovered Fragile X Syndrome, and helped find heritable elements of other developmental and genetic…
Genetic Disordersfetal developmentRubella in pregnancyRubella virusHeredityBicoid is the protein product of a maternal-effect gene unique to flies of the genus Drosophila . In 1988 Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard identified…
Nüsslein-Volhard, C. (Christiane)EmbryosMorphogenesisTuring, Alan, 1912-1954Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 1866-1945Victor Ambros is a professor of molecular medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and he discovered the first microRNA (miRNA) in…
PeopleRNAGenesEmbryosCaenorhabditis elegans