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The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective was a women’s health organization headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, that published the informational…
OrganizationfeminismReproductive HealthEqual RightsHealth education of womenIn the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade, the US Supreme Court ruled that laws banning abortion violated the US Constitution. The Texas abortion laws,…
LawBirth control clinicsAbortionFamily planning servicesAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesWhat Every Girl Should Know was published in 1916 in New York City, New York, as a compilation of articles written by Margaret Sanger from 1912 to…
LiteratureObscenity (Law)Abortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortionBirth control clinicsOn 1 July 1976, the US Supreme Court decided in the case Planned Parenthood v. Danforth that provisions of a Missouri law regulating abortion care…
LawAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortionBirth control clinicsContraceptionIn the 1983 case City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health the US Supreme Court ruled that certain requirements of the city of Akron’s “…
LawAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortionBirth control clinicsContraceptionWhat Every Mother Should Know was published in 1914 in New York City, New York, as a compilation of newspaper articles written by Margaret Sanger in…
LiteratureObscenity (Law)Abortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortionBirth control clinicsStarting in 1929, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists was a professional association of physicians in the UK that aimed to improve…
OrganizationWomen's health servicesGynecologyObstetricsContraceptionMary Coffin Ware Dennett, a supporter of sex education for children in the US in the early twentieth century, wrote The Sex Education of Children: A…
LiteratureCommunication in reproductive healthSex EducationSex instruction for youthSex instruction--United StatesFirst marketed in the US 1875, Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound was an herbal medicine used by women to relieve menstrual discomfort and menopausal…
TechnologyReproductive HealthPatent MedicinesHerbs--Therapeutic useFertilityLydia Estes Pinkham invented and sold Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, a medicinal tonic used to treat menstrual discomfort and promote female…
Reproductive HealthPatent MedicinesHerbs--Therapeutic useFertilityAdvertising