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In Stuart v. Camnitz, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit affirmed the decision of a North Carolina District Court that…
LawAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortion--Law and legislationFetus--Ultrasonic imagingFreedom of SpeechIn the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade, the US Supreme Court ruled that laws banning abortion violated the US Constitution. The Texas abortion laws,…
LawBirth control clinicsAbortionFamily planning servicesAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesOn 1 July 1976, the US Supreme Court decided in the case Planned Parenthood v. Danforth that provisions of a Missouri law regulating abortion care…
LawAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortionBirth control clinicsContraceptionIn the 1983 case City of Akron v. Akron Center for Reproductive Health the US Supreme Court ruled that certain requirements of the city of Akron’s “…
LawAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortionBirth control clinicsContraceptionIn the 2014 case Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, the US Supreme Court ruled that the contraceptive mandate promulgated under the Patient Protection and…
LawUnited States. Supreme CourtContraceptionEmployer-sponsored health insuranceEmployer-sponsored health insurance--Law and legislationIn the 1989 case Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, the US Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a Missouri law regulating abortion…
LawBirth control clinicsAbortionFamily planning servicesAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesIn the 2013 case Isaacson v. Horne, the US Court of Appeals in the Ninth Circuit ruled that Arizona House Bill (HB) 2036, which prohibited abortions…
LawArizona. Attorney General's OfficeBirth control clinicsAbortionAbortion CentersThe case Tucson Woman's Clinic v. Eden (2004) established that some of Arizona's abortion clinic laws violated physicians' and patients' rights to…
LawAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesAbortionBirth control clinicsArizona--HistoryIn the 2002 case Simat Corp v. Arizona Health Care Containment System, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the Arizona Health Care Containment…
LawMedicaidAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesArizona--HistoryBirth control clinics