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The Cell in Development and Inheritance, by Edmund Beecher Wilson, provided a textbook introduction to cell biology for generations of biologists in…
LiteratureCell organellesMitosisMeiosisCell ProliferationDe ovi mammalium et hominis genesi (On the Genesis of the Ovum of Mammals and of Men) is an 1827 pamphlet by Karl Ernst von Baer about the anatomical…
LiteratureBaer, Karl Ernst von, 1792-1876developmentAnatomy, ComparativeGerm CellsIn 2018, He Jiankui uploaded a series of videos to a YouTube channel titled “The He Lab” that detailed one of the first instances of a successful…
Literaturegene editingGenome EditingCRISPR (Genetics)CRISPR-associated protein 9Friedrich Leopold August Weismann published Das Keimplasma: eine Theorie der Vererbung (The Germ-Plasm: a Theory of Heredity, hereafter The Germ-…
LiteratureWeismann, August, 1834-1914. Keimplasma. EnglishGerm CellsHeredityInheritance of acquired charactersPublished in 2002, prostate cancer researcher John R. Masters authored a review article HeLa Cells 50 Years On: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly that…
LiteratureCell linesContinuous cell linesGerm CellsSurface contamination