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The copper intrauterine device, or IUD, is a long-term, reversible contraceptive first introduced by Howard Tatum and Jamie Zipper in 1967. Health…
ContraceptivesCopper intrauterine contraceptivesDalkon Shield (Intrauterine contraceptive)Levonorgestrel intrauterine contraceptivesNorgestrelOn 22 March 1972, in Eisenstadt v. Baird, hereafter Eisenstadt, the United States Supreme Court determined, in a six to one decision, that unmarried…
Contraceptive AgentsContraceptivesHormonal ContraceptionContraception, Female HormonalContraceptive UsageThe NuvaRing is a self-administered hormonal contraceptive device in the form of a flexible plastic ring that is inserted into the vagina. It…
TechnologyContraceptivesContraceptives, VaginalContraceptives industryContraceptive drugs