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Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique to create a three-dimensional image of a fetus. Doctors often use MRIs to image a fetuses…
TechnologyMagnetic resonance imagingNuclear Magnetic ResonanceFetusDiagnostic ultrasonic imagingLeon Chesley studied hypertension, or high blood pressure, in pregnant women during the mid-twentieth century. Chesley studied preeclampsia and…
PreeclampsiaEclampsiaHypertensionObstetricsPregnancyVirginia Apgar and colleagues wrote “Evaluation of the Newborn Infant—Second Report” in 1958. This article explained that Apgar’s system for…
LiteratureApgar ScoreObstetricsChildbirthAnesthesiologyIn the 1950s and 1960s, researchers Leon Chesley, John Annitto, and Robert Cosgrove investigated the possible familial factor for the conditions of…
Chesley, Leon C., 1908-2000PreeclampsiaEclampsiaMargaret Hague Maternity Hospital (Jersey City, N.J.)PregnancyIn the 1964 article, “Pelvic Scoring for Elective Induction,” obstetrician Edward Bishop describes his method to determine whether a doctor should…
LiteratureBishop, Edward H.ChildbirthLabor, Induced (Obstetrics)ObstetricsVirginia Apgar worked as an obstetrical anesthesiologist, administering drugs that reduce women’s pain during childbirth, in the US in the mid-…
Apgar, Virginia, 1909-1974Apgar ScorePregnancyObstetricsChildbirthIn 1955, obstetrician Edward Bishop, a physician specializing in childbirth, published the article “Elective Induction of Labor,” in which he…
LiteratureReproductionChildbirthLabor, Induced (Obstetrics)ObstetricsJohn Chassar Moir lived in Scotland during the twentieth century and helped develop techniques to improve the health of pregnant women. Moir helped…
ObstetricsPregnancyErgot AlkaloidsHemorrhageVaginaHamlin Fistula Ethiopia is a nonprofit organization that began in 1974 as a joint endeavor by Reginald and Catherine Hamlin and the Addis Ababa…
OrganizationHamlin, CatherineAddis Ababa Fistula HospitalVesicovaginal FistulaFistula