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During the mid-twentieth century, Virginia Apgar worked as an obstetrical anesthesiologist and gave drugs to women that reduced their pain during c
Apgar ScoreNewborn infants--Medical examinationsNewborn infantsObstetricsInfant, NewbornArticles
LiteratureAbortionAbortion, InducedInduced AbortionInformed ConsentIn 2008, Barranca Productions released a documentary called The Business of Being Born, detailing the topic of childbirth. Ricki Lake and Abby…
LiteratureChildbirthObstetricsParturitionDelivery (Obstetrics)In 1980 the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) released a report…
LiteratureCesarean SectionCesarean section--ComplicationsObstetricsFetusRoberto Caldeyro-Barcia studied fetal health in Uruguay during the second half of the twentieth century. Caldeyro-Barcia developed Montevideo units,…
Fetal MonitoringMonitoring, FetalChildbirthDelivery (Obstetrics)Fetal heart rate monitoringNuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique to create a three-dimensional image of a fetus. Doctors often use MRIs to image a fetuses…
TechnologyMagnetic resonance imagingNuclear Magnetic ResonanceFetusDiagnostic ultrasonic imagingLeon Chesley studied hypertension, or high blood pressure, in pregnant women during the mid-twentieth century. Chesley studied preeclampsia and…
PreeclampsiaEclampsiaHypertensionObstetricsPregnancyVirginia Apgar and colleagues wrote “Evaluation of the Newborn Infant—Second Report” in 1958. This article explained that Apgar’s system for…
LiteratureApgar ScoreObstetricsChildbirthAnesthesiologyThe Martius flap procedure is a surgical procedure used to treat obstetric fistulas in women. Heinrich Martius developed the procedure in twentieth…
TechnologyReproductive HealthFistulaUrinary IncontinenceWomen's health servicesIn the 1950s and 1960s, researchers Leon Chesley, John Annitto, and Robert Cosgrove investigated the possible familial factor for the conditions of…
Chesley, Leon C., 1908-2000PreeclampsiaEclampsiaMargaret Hague Maternity Hospital (Jersey City, N.J.)Pregnancy