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Edmund Beecher Wilson in the US published An Atlas of Fertilization and Karyokinesis of the Ovum (hereafter called An Atlas) in 1895. The book…
LiteratureKaryokinesisFertilization (Biology)ConceptionDevelopmental BiologyThis diagram shows the life cycle of Neurospora crassa, a mold that grows on bread. N.
Neurospora crassaMicrobiologyMicroscopyGrowthdevelopmentIn 1893, Julia Barlow Platt published her research on the origins of cartilage in the developing head of the common mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus)…
CartilageEmbryosGastrulationEmbryologyNecturusDell Publishing in New York City, New York, published Lennart Nilsson's A Child Is Born in 1966. The book was a translation of the Swedish version…
LiteraturedevelopmentPregnancyfetal developmentFetal GrowthThe Edinburgh Mouse Atlas, also called the e-Mouse Atlas Project (EMAP), is an online resource comprised of the e-Mouse Atlas (EMA), a detailed…
TechnologyEmbryosDatabases, GeneticdevelopmentGene ExpressionEarly in the process of development, vertebrate embryos develop a fold on the neural plate where the neural and epidermal ectoderms meet, called the…
VertebratesdevelopmentGerm LayersNeural CrestNeural Crest CellsAristotle studied developing organisms, among other things, in ancient Greece, and his writings shaped Western philosophy and natural science for…