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Edward B. Lewis studied embryonic development in Drosophila, including the discovery of the cis-trans test for recessive genes, and the…
PeopleDrosophilaBiographyZhang Lizhu is a Chinese gynecologist and researcher. For most of her career, she worked in the Peking Medical College Third Hospital, renamed in…
PeopleReproductionBiographyFertilizationBernard Nathanson was an obstetrician and gynecologist in New York City, New York, who argued for, and later against, women's rights to abortion.…
PeopleObstetriciansGynecologistsAbortionUltrasonics in obstetricsAndrew Zachary Fire is a professor at Stanford University and Nobel Laureate. Fire worked at the Carnegie Institution of Washington's Department of…
PeopleRNA InterferenceBiographyKatharine Dexter McCormick, who contributed the majority of funding for the development of the oral contraceptive pill, was born to Josephine and…
PeopleContraceptionethicsReproductionReproductive RightsLandrum Brewer Shettles is remembered as an important contributor to early in vitro fertilization research in the United States as well as a prolific…
PeopleFertilization in VitroReproductionBiographyFertilizationIan Hector Frazer studied the human immune system and vaccines in Brisbane, Australia, and helped invent and patent the scientific process and…
PeopleHIV infectionsHIV-positive personsHIV (Viruses)Vaccines industryAlthough best known for his work with the fruit fly, for which he earned a Nobel Prize and the title "The Father of Genetics," Thomas Hunt Morgan's…
PeopleMorgan, Thomas Hunt, 1866-1945Genetics, ExperimentalNobel Prize winnersDrosophila melanogasterSergio Cereceda Stone was born 16 April 1942 in the coastal city of Valparaiso, Chile. Stone's mother Luz was a housewife and caretaker for Sergio…