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August Antonius Rauber was an embryologist and anatomist who examined gastrulation in avian embryos. He examined the formation of the blastopore,…
PeopleGastrulationChicksRosalind Elsie Franklin worked with X-ray crystallography at King's College London, UK, and she helped determine the helical structure of DNA in the…
PeopleDNAX-Ray CrystallographyMolecular geneticsMolecular BiologyOsborne O. Heard was a noted Carnegie embryological model maker for the Department of Embryology at The Carnegie Institute of Washington (CIW),…
PeopleCarnegie Institution of WashingtonBiographyModelsSir Francis Galton was a British science writer and amateur researcher of the late nineteenth century. He contributed greatly to the fields of…
PeopleGalton, Francis, 1822-1911GeneticsReproductionBiographyJohn von Neumann was a Hungarian mathematician who made important contributions to mathematics, physics, computer science, and the area of artificial…
PeopleReproductionBiographyGirolamo Fabrici, known as Hieronymus Fabricius in Latin, was given the surname Aquapendente from the city where he was born, near Orvieto, Italy.…
PeopleBiographyFetusAnatomyJames Edgar Till is a biophysicist known for establishing the existence of stem cells along with Ernest McCulloch in 1963. Stem cells are…
PeopleStem CellsHematopoietic Stem CellsProgenitor CellsStem cells--Effect of radiation onKarl Wilhelm Theodor Richard von Hertwig is an important figure in the history of embryology for his contributions of artificial hybridization of sea…
PeopleZoologyBiographyHybridizationSea UrchinsA pioneer in experimental embryology, Ross Granville Harrison made numerous discoveries that advanced biology. One of the most significant was his…
PeopleHarrison, Ross G. (Ross Granville), 1870-1959Tissue Culture TechniquesBiographyTissue cultureJohn Philip Trinkaus studied the processes of cell migration and gastrulation, especially in teleost fish, in the US during the twentieth century.…