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James David Ebert studied the developmental processes of chicks and of viruses in the US during the twentieth century. He also helped build and grow…
PeopleBiographyCarnegie Institution of WashingtonLaboratoriesAlthough best known for his work with the fruit fly, for which he earned a Nobel Prize and the title "The Father of Genetics," Thomas Hunt Morgan's…
PeopleMorgan, Thomas Hunt, 1866-1945Genetics, ExperimentalNobel Prize winnersDrosophila melanogasterLap-Chee Tsui is a geneticist who discovered the cystic fibrosis (CF) gene, and his research team sequenced human chromosome 7. As the location of…
PeopleTsui, Lap-CheeCystic FibrosisReproductionBiographyRobert Geoffrey Edwards worked with Patrick Christopher Steptoe to develop in-vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques during the 1960s and 1970s in the…
PeopleFertilization in VitroReproductionBiographyFertilizationCarl Gottfried Hartman researched the reproductive physiology of opossums and rhesus monkeys. He was the first to extensively study the embryology…
PeopleReproductionBiographyOpossumsmonkeysMichael D. West is a biomedical entrepreneur and investigator whose aim has been to extend human longevity with biomedical interventions. His focus…
PeopleStem CellsBiographyRegenerationRenowned physician and scientist William Harvey is best known for his accurate description of how blood circulates through the body. While his…
PeopleBlood CirculationBiographycirculationOtto Mangold was an early twentieth century embryologist who specialized in the development of amphibian embryos. A major emphasis of his research…
PeopleOrganizers, EmbryonicBiographyAmphibiansMultiple theories about what determines sex were tested at the turn of the twentieth century. By experimenting on germ cells, cytologist Nettie Maria…