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Etienne Stephane Tarnier was a physician who worked with premature infants in France during the nineteenth century. He worked at the Maternité Port-…
IncubatorsPuerperal septicemiaAsepsis and antisepsisPremature InfantsPerinatologyBetween 1935 and 1937, Leonard Colebrook showed that sulfonamides, a class of antibacterial drugs, worked as an effective treatment for puerperal…
Puerperal septicemiaSulfonamidesMedical Research Council (Great Britain)Streptococcus agalactiaeStreptococcus pyogenesLeonard Colebrook was a physician who researched bacteria and infections in England during the twentieth century. In 1936, Colebrook deployed the…
BacteriaInfectionsPuerperal septicemiaChildbirthBurn care unitsIgnaz Philipp Semmelweis demonstrated that the use of disinfectants could reduce the occurrence of puerperal fever in patients in nineteenth century…
Puerperal septicemiaSepsisSepticemiaAntisepticsInfection, Puerperal