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Scientists use cerebral organoids, which are artificially produced miniature organs that represent embryonic or fetal brains and have many properties…
TechnologyMicrocephalyBrainNeuronsBrain--Diseases--Animal modelsMatthew Kaufman was a professor of anatomy at the University of Edinburgh, in Edinburgh, UK, who specialized in mouse anatomy, development, and…
Stem cells--ResearchStem CellsEmbryology, ExperimentalEmbryologyAnatomyIn the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, Gail Roberta Martin specialized in biochemistry and embryology, more specifically cellular…
EmbryosEmbryos--PhysiologyEmbryos--AnatomyBlastocystRetrovirus InfectionsIn 2005, Ernest McCulloch and James Till published the article “Perspectives on the Properties of Stem Cells,” which discusses the various properties…
LiteratureStem CellsEmbryonic Stem CellsSomatic Stem CellsStem cells--Research'On the Permanent Life of Tissues outside of the Organism' reports Alexis Carrel's 1912 experiments on the maintenance of tissue in culture media. At…
Tissue cultureStem CellsStem cells--ResearchEmbryologyGerm CellsEthical Issues in Human Stem Cell Research: Executive Summary was published in September 1999 by The US National Bioethics Advisory Commission in…
LiteraturebioethicsStem cells--ResearchEmbryonic Stem CellsStem CellsJames Edgar Till is a biophysicist known for establishing the existence of stem cells along with Ernest McCulloch in 1963. Stem cells are…
PeopleStem CellsHematopoietic Stem CellsProgenitor CellsStem cells--Effect of radiation onIn 2006, Kazutoshi Takahashi and Shinya Yamanaka reprogrammed mice fibroblast cells, which can produce only other fibroblast cells, to become…
Stem cells--ResearchStem CellsNobel PrizesEmbryologyDevelopmental Biology