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Nuclear transplantation is a method in which the nucleus of a donor cell is relocated to a target cell that has had its nucleus removed (enucleated…
Cell nuclei--TransplantationNuclear TransplantationIn 1962 researcher John Bertrand Gurdon at the University of Oxford in Oxford, England, conducted a series of experiments on the developmental…
Cell nuclei--TransplantationGenetic EngineeringNuclear TransplantationUniversity College (University of Oxford)Xenopus laevisBritish embryologist Sir Ian Wilmut, best known for his work in the field of animal genetic engineering and the successful cloning of sheep, was born…
PeopleNuclear Transfer TechniquesBiographyNuclear TransplantationGenetic EngineeringBritish embryologist Sir Ian Wilmut, best known for his work in the field of animal genetic engineering and the successful cloning of sheep, was born…
PeopleNuclear Transfer TechniquesBiographyNuclear TransplantationGenetic Engineering