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By demonstrating the struggle for sound standard of care for non-medical reproductive health care providers during the nineteenth and early twentieth…
Health care reformReproductive Health ServicesReproductive Healthreproductive historyOrganizationsScience fiction works can reflect the relationship between science and society by telling stories that are set in the future of ethical implications…
Science FictionLiteratureScience in literaturePublicationsReproductionDeveloping a codebook of definitions and exemplars of significant text segments and applying it to the collected data revealed several themes. For…
MenstruationMenstrual Hygiene ProductsReproductive HealthHealth educationMenstruation DisturbancesThis is a project about medicine and the history of a condition called premenstrual syndrome (PMS), its “discovery” and conceptual development at…
Premenstrual syndromeScience in literatureMedicine in literatureReproduction