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In the United States, the Code of Federal Regulations Title 45: Public Welfare, part 46 (45 CFR 46) provides protection for human subjects in…
LawGovernmentFetusPatrick Christopher Steptoe was a British gynecologist responsible for major advances in gynecology and reproductive technology. Throughout his…
PeopleLaparoscopyReproductionBiographymedicineIn 2006, Kazutoshi Takahashi and Shinya Yamanaka reprogrammed mice fibroblast cells, which can produce only other fibroblast cells, to become…
Stem cells--ResearchStem CellsNobel PrizesEmbryologyDevelopmental BiologyIn the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, Gail Roberta Martin specialized in biochemistry and embryology, more specifically cellular…
EmbryosEmbryos--PhysiologyEmbryos--AnatomyBlastocystRetrovirus InfectionsBoris Ephrussi and George Wells Beadle developed a transplantation technique on flies, Drosophila melanogaster, which they described in their 1936…
TechnologyTissue ExtractsGenesTransplantation of organs, tissues, etc.Tissue TransplantationOn 29 September 1973, researchers David De Kretzer, Peter Dennis, Bryan Hudson, John Leeton, Alexander Lopata, Ken Outch, James Talbot, and Carl Wood…
LiteratureEmbryologyEmbryogenesisZygotesEmbryo TransferIn 2021, the World Health Organization, or WHO, published the sixth edition of their Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human…
Semen AnalysisWorld Health OrganizationWHOOrganization, World HealthSemen QualityIn 2007, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority in London, UK, published Hybrids and Chimeras: A Report on the Findings of the Consultation…
LiteratureChimerismHuman reproductive technologyHuman CloningEmbryonic Stem CellsOsborne O. Heard was a noted Carnegie embryological model maker for the Department of Embryology at The Carnegie Institute of Washington (CIW),…
PeopleCarnegie Institution of WashingtonBiographyModelsThe birth control pill, more commonly known as "the pill" is a form of contraception taken daily in pill form and consisting of synthetic hormones…
ContraceptionReproductionReproductive Rights