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In humans, multi-fetal pregnancy occurs when a mother carries more than one fetus during the pregnancy. The most common multi-fetal pregnancy is…
ReproductionFetusHuman DevelopmentThe development of the obstetric ultrasound has allowed physicians and embryologists to obtain a clear picture of the developing human embryo and…
TechnologyUltrasonographyReproductionmedicineHuman DevelopmentIn 1927, the US Supreme Court case Buck v. Bell set the legal precedent that states may sterilize inmates of public institutions because the court…
LawEugenicsConstitutional courtsSterilization (Birth control)Involuntary SterilizationThe Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene was identified in 1989 by geneticist Lap-Chee Tsui and his research team as the…
Cystic FibrosisReproductionCongenital DisordersHuman DevelopmentThe 1986 US Supreme Court decision Bowen v. American Hospital Association rejected the federal government's use of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation…
LawReproductionCongenital DisordersGovernmentThe Supreme Court of California reversed the Superior Court of Fresno County's decision to dismiss the Turpins' claims in the case Turpin v. Sortini…
LawWrongful lifeReproductionCongenital DisordersbioethicsLap-Chee Tsui is a geneticist who discovered the cystic fibrosis (CF) gene, and his research team sequenced human chromosome 7. As the location of…
PeopleTsui, Lap-CheeCystic FibrosisReproductionBiographyConjoined twins are twins whose bodies are anatomically joined in utero. The degree to which the twins are attached can range from simple, involving…
Twins, ConjoinedReproductionFetusCarl Gottfried Hartman researched the reproductive physiology of opossums and rhesus monkeys. He was the first to extensively study the embryology…
PeopleReproductionBiographyOpossumsmonkeysThe Supreme Court of New Jersey decided the case of Berman v. Allan on 26 June 1979, brought by Shirley Berman and Paul Berman and their daughter…
LawWrongful lifeReproductionbioethics