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On March 28, 1978, in Stump v. Sparkman, hereafter Stump, the United States Supreme Court held, in a five-to-three decision, that judges have…
LawSterilizationSterilization of womenInvoluntary SterilizationJudicial immunityHarry Hamilton Laughlin helped lead the eugenics movement in the United States during the early twentieth century. The US eugenics movement of the…
Laughlin, Harry Hamilton, 1880-1943American Eugenics SocietyEugenicsDavenport, Charles Benedict, 1866-1944Eugenics--United States--HistoryIn 1927, the US Supreme Court case Buck v. Bell set the legal precedent that states may sterilize inmates of public institutions because the court…
LawEugenicsConstitutional courtsSterilization (Birth control)Involuntary Sterilization