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A test-tube baby is the product of a successful human reproduction that results from methods beyond sexual intercourse between a man and a woman and…
Artificial InseminationInsemination, ArtificialethicsReproductionFertilizationIn December of 2016, Margus Punab and colleagues published “Causes of Male Infertility: A 9-year Prospective Monocentre Study on 1737 Patients with…
Sperm CountSperm NumberSperm TailSpermSperm MotilityAssisted reproductive technologies (ART) are a collection of different techniques designed to help those who are infertile achieve a successful…
TechnologyReproductive Techniques, AssistedReproductionFertilizationDavid Michael Rorvik is a science journalist who publicized advancements in the field of reproductive medicine during the late twentieth century.…
Sex PreselectionScience JournalismFamily PlanningParenthoodFertilizationIn 2021, the World Health Organization, or WHO, published the sixth edition of their Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human…
Semen AnalysisWorld Health OrganizationWHOOrganization, World HealthSemen QualityIn the book Your Baby’s Sex: Now You Can Choose, David Michael Rorvik and Landrum Brewer Shettles describe methods that couples can use prior to and…
LiteratureSex PreselectionSex PredeterminationFamily PlanningGenderHoward Wilber Jones Jr. and his wife, Georgeanna Seegar Jones, developed a method of in vitro fertilization and helped create the first baby in the…
FetusPregnancyEmbryologyEmbryosReproductionGeorgeanna Seegar Jones was a reproductive endocrinologist who created one of America' s most successful infertility clinics in West Virginia and…
PeopleFertilization in VitroReproductionBiographyFertilizationIntracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is an assisted reproductive technique (ART) initially developed by Dr. Gianpiero D. Palermo in 1993 to treat…
TechnologySperm Injections, IntracytoplasmicReproductionFertilizationSperm capacitation refers to the physiological changes spermatozoa must undergo in order to have the ability to penetrate and fertilize an egg. This…
Sperm CapacitationSpermOvaFertilization