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The Chicago Women’s Liberation Union, hereafter Union or CWLU, was a feminist union that operated in Chicago, Illinois, from 1969 to 1977 and was the…
OrganizationWomen's rightsSexismFamily PlanningfeminismIn the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade, the US Supreme Court ruled that laws banning abortion violated the US Constitution. The Texas abortion laws,…
LawBirth control clinicsAbortionFamily planning servicesAbortion--Law and legislation--United StatesBarbara Seaman was a writer, investigator, and advocate for female healthcare rights during the twentieth century in the United States. Seaman’s work…
Civil rightsBirth ControlBirth control in literaturefeminismContraceptive EffectsIn 2013, Lois Uttley, Sheila Reynertson, Larraine Kenny, and Louise Melling published “Miscarriage of Medicine: The Growth of Catholic Hospitals and…
LiteratureAbortionBirth ControlCatholicReproductionEmma Goldman was a traveling public speaker and writer known for her anarchist political views as well as her opinions on contraception and birth…
AnarchismReproductive RightsAbortionBirth ControlHomestead Strike, Homestead, Pa., 1892The Dalkon Shield was an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) that women used in the early 1970s and 1980s. Produced by the A.H. Robins Company in…
TechnologyDalkon Shield (Intrauterine contraceptive)Intrauterine contraceptivesCopper intrauterine contraceptivesContraceptivesAnnie Wood Besant was a social activist who advocated for women’s access to birth control as well as marriage reform, labor reform, and Indian…
Besant, Annie, 1847-1933Knowlton, Charles, 1800-1850Bradlaugh, Charles, 1833-1891Birth ControlObscenity (Law)--Great BritainCharles Knowlton was a physician and author who advocated for increased access to information about reproduction in the nineteenth century in the US…
Knowlton, Charles, 1800-1850Bradlaugh, Charles, 1833-1891Besant, Annie, 1847-1933Birth ControlObscenity (Law)--Great BritainCharles Bradlaugh was as a political and social activist in the seventeenth century in England. He held leadership positions in various organizations…
Knowlton, Charles, 1800-1850Bradlaugh, Charles, 1833-1891Besant, Annie, 1847-1933Birth ControlObscenity (Law)--Great BritainIn 1832, Charles Knowlton published The Fruits of Philosophy, a pamphlet advocating for controlling reproduction and detailing methods for preventing…
LiteratureBirth ControlObscenity (Law)--Great BritainPublications