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In 2015, Junjiu Huang and his colleagues reported their attempt to enable CRISPR/cas 9-mediated gene editing in nonviable human zygotes for the first…
LiteratureDoudna, Jennifer A.Charpentier, Emmanuelle, 1968-Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic RepeatsCRISPR-Cas SystemsThe Y-chromosome is one of a pair of chromosomes that determine the genetic sex of individuals in mammals, some insects, and some plants. In the…
Y ChromosomeSex ChromosomesEmbryosDNAChromosomesSince the 1950s, scientists have developed interspecies blastocysts in laboratory settings, but not until the 1990s did proposals emerge to engineer…
BlastocystDiseasesbioethicsTadpoleCell nuclei--TransplantationThe Sex-determining Region Y (Sry in mammals but SRY in humans) is a gene found on Y chromosomes that leads to the development of male phenotypes,…
Y ChromosomeTestisEmbryosChromosomesSex ChromosomesThe San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research (SDZICR) in San Diego, California, is a research organization that works to generate, use, and…
OrganizationpreservationGeneticsEndangered SpeciesDNATelomerase is an enzyme that regulates the lengths of telomeres in the cells of many organisms, and in humans it begins to function int the early…
TelomeraseTelomereDNAMolecular BiologySomatic embryogenesisIn 1959, Charles Edmund Ford and colleagues published “A Sex Chromosome Anomaly in a Case of Gonadal Dysgenesis (Turner’s Syndrome),” hereafter “A…
Turner SyndromeGonadal DysgenesisGonadal Dysgenesis, XOGonadal Dysgenesis, 45, XAbnormalities, Sex Chromosome