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In 2005, Ernest McCulloch and James Till published the article “Perspectives on the Properties of Stem Cells,” which discusses the various properties…
LiteratureStem CellsEmbryonic Stem CellsSomatic Stem CellsStem cells--ResearchThe Cell in Development and Inheritance, by Edmund Beecher Wilson, provided a textbook introduction to cell biology for generations of biologists in…
LiteratureCell organellesMitosisMeiosisCell ProliferationThe Cell-Theory was written by Thomas Henry Huxley in Britain and published in 1853 by The British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review. The twenty-…
LiteratureEpigeneticsEmbryologyHuxley, Thomas Henry, 1825-1895Cellular control mechanismsIn 1969, Roy J. Britten and Eric H. Davidson published Gene Regulation for Higher Cells: A Theory, in Science. A Theory proposes a minimal model…
LiteratureGenetic regulationCell differentiationEvolutionGenes