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Philippe Ricord was a nineteenth-century physician and surgeon in France who studied syphilis and demonstrated that it is different from gonorrhea.…
SyphilisGonorrheaSexually Transmitted DiseasesChancreReproductive HealthIn 1944, Joseph Earl Moore and colleagues published “The Treatment of Early Syphilis with Penicillin: A Preliminary Report of 1418 Cases,” hereafter…
SyphilisTreponema pallidumPenicillinsAntibiotics, PenicillinPenicillinGonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, or STD, caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Common symptoms of the disease include painful…
GonorrheaNeisseria gonorrhoeaeUrinationSyphilisPelvic Inflammatory DiseaseMary Ware Dennett, an activist in the US for birth control and sex education in the early twentieth century, wrote an educational pamphlet in 1915…
TechnologyGenerative organsSexually Transmitted DiseasesLaborMenstruation